Estimated time: 20 minutes
This guide will go over:
Conditions and minimum requirements
Installation 📦
Configuration ⚙️
Initialization ⚡
Attaching 🔗
flutter_apm on pub.dev : pub.dev
Conditions and minimum requirements
Minimum Flutter version : 2.2.3 Minimum Dart version : 2.13.4
Minimum Android version: 4.1 (API 16) Minimum iOS version : 10.0 Minimum XCode version : 10
I. Installation
Download the flutter dependency:
II. Configuration
ios/Podfile Add platform to minimum 10.0 and add sources
Launch command pod install on folder ios
III. Initialization
MainApplication.kt Init the SDK on main thread of your application
main.dart Initialize the SDK with the keys we provided to you (partnerID, partnerSecret, baseUrl), your app's package name (appId). Add also a instance of APMNavigatorObserver in MaterialApp.navigationObservers
IV. Attaching
Attach the refresh of the SDK with the lifecycle of your screen
Launch the app, you can see appears the badge
Last updated