Advanced mode

Enabling TLS 1.2 (Support for Android 4.1 – 4.4)

For security reasons, our server only supports HTTPS connection with a minimum TLS 1.2 protocol. Android 4.1 – 4.4 phones support TLS 1.2 with the help of Google Play Services

Our SDK needs a Google Play Service to update security, Google has several dependencies that hinder the play-services-base code. Example with Google Analytics dependency :

compile ''

More informations here :

Connect/Create an account automatically

Use the method APMUIServicesUser.userClientConnect() for connect automatically your user to app’s miles. If no account exist with this informations, the server create automatically this account. This method needs : « email », « userID » and « optIn » « email » is the email of user « userID » is a unique identifier in your database – « optIn » is the RGPD OptIn

If you don’t want pass the email, you can build a encrypted email with the userID, for example : – 123456789 is the userID

String email = edittextEmail.getText().toString(); //Required
String userId = edittextUserId.getText().toString(); //Required

Integer optIn = APMServicesConfig.APM_DEVICE_OPT_IN_ACCEPT; //Required

APMUIServicesUser.userClientConnect(email, userId, optIn, new APMUserConnectListener()
    public void userConnectSuccess(APMUser user)
        Log.e("Test", user + " connected !");

    public void failure(APMException exception)
        Log.e("Test", "error : "+exception);

Update an account automatically

You can update an app’s miles account automatically with the method APMUIServicesUser.userClientSave() This method needs : « userId »

String email = edittextEmail.getText().toString();
String firstname = edittextFirstname.getText().toString();
String lastname = edittextLastname.getText().toString();
String mobile = edittextMobile.getText().toString();
String city = edittextCity.getText().toString();
String birthday = edittextBirthday.getText().toString();
String userId = edittextUserId.getText().toString();
HashMap segments = null

APMServicesConfig.APM_K_USER_GENDER_M + "", 
new APMUserSaveListener()
    public void userSaveSuccess(APMUser user)
        Log.e("Test", "user : " + user + " updated !");
        Toast.makeText(RegisterActivity.this, "user : " + user + " updated !", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();

    public void failure(APMException exception)
        Toast.makeText(RegisterActivity.this, exception.errorMessage, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();

Logout an account automatically

You can logout an app’s miles account automatically with the method APMUIServicesUser.userLogout()

APMUIServicesUser.userLogout(this, new APMUserLogoutListener()
    public void userLogoutSuccess()
        Toast.makeText(RegisterActivity.this, "Logout success !", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();

    public void failure(APMException exception)
        Toast.makeText(RegisterActivity.this, exception.errorMessage, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();

The badge is automatically refreshes


Use the class APMUserPropertiesUtils to manager user properties fo user.

key : Property keys are strings. (e.g. « zipcode », « profession »). value :Property values are strings. (e.g. « 33000 », « doctor »).

You can add user properties with the followings methods :

addUserProperty(String userProperty, String key);
addUserProperties(HashMap userProperties);

For remove one user property, you can use :

removeUserProperty(String key);

or for remove all user properties :


If you need to refresh SDK after set your UserProperties, you can call :



You can pass a segmentation during connection with the method APMUIServicesUser.userClientConnect()

HashMap segments = new HashMap();
segments.put("1", "green"); //Axe 1 : color
segments.put("2", "1998"); //Axe 2 : year

APMUIServicesUser.userClientConnect(/*....*/, segments, /*....*/)

Override click on the badge

You can override the click on the badge with the method APMBadgeManager.setOnBadgeClickListener()

APMBadgeManager badgeManager = APMPublic.sharedInstanceBadgeManagerPrivate();
badgeManager.setOnBadgeClickListener(new APMOnBadgeClickListener()
    public boolean onBadgeClick(int badge)
        if(badge == APMConfig.APM_BADGE_INIT)
            Log.d("APMOnBadgeClickListener", "Click on the badge init !");
        else if(badge == APMConfig.APM_BADGE_OTHER_WIN)
            Log.d("APMOnBadgeClickListener", "Click on the badge other win !");
        else if(badge == APMConfig.APM_BADGE_WIN)
            Log.d("APMOnBadgeClickListener", "Click on the badge win !");
        else if(badge == APMConfig.APM_BADGE_GIFT)
            Log.d("APMOnBadgeClickListener", "Click on the badge gift !");
        else if(badge == APMConfig.APM_BADGE_INFOS)
            Log.d("APMOnBadgeClickListener", "Click on the badge infos !");
        else if(badge == APMConfig.APM_BADGE_ADMIN)
            Log.d("APMOnBadgeClickListener", "Click on the badge admin !");
        return true;

Comment : Return true if the event was handled, false otherwise.

Show/Hide badge

You can hide the badge with the method :


And show the badge :


Comment : The method APMUIServicesUser.userClientConnect() use theses methods to hide and show the badge after connection success.

Debug Mode

APMPublic.sharedInstance(this).setDebugMode(true); //To show trace log app's miles

Onboarding (get events with listener)

For retrieve events of onboarding. Use class APMOnboardingUtils and APMOnboardingUtilsListener. Example with AbstractActivity lifecycle.

public class AbstractActivity extends FragmentActivity implements APMOnboardingUtilsListener

    //Declare a object of APMOnboardingUtils in your class
    private APMOnboardingUtils mOnboardingUtils; 

    protected void onCreate(@Nullable final Bundle savedInstanceState)

        //AbstractActivity become the listener on events of onboarding
        mOnboardingUtils = new APMOnboardingUtils(this);

    protected void onResume()

        //Listen events of onboarding

    protected void onPause()

        //Unlisten events of onboarding

    public void apmOnboardingButtonOkClicked()
        //Get the event OnboardingButtonOkClicked

    public void apmOnboardingButtonLaterClicked()
        //Get the event OnboardingButtonLaterClicked

    public void apmOnboardingButtonNeverClicked()
        //Get the event OnboardingButtonNeverClicked

For retrieve events of deepLinks. Use class APMDeepLinkActionUtils and APMDeepLinkActionUtilsListener. Example with AbstractActivity lifecycle.

public class AbstractActivity extends FragmentActivity implements APMDeepLinkActionUtilsListener

    //Declare a object of APMDeepLinkActionUtils in your class
    private APMDeepLinkActionUtils mDeepLinkActionUtils;

    protected void onCreate(@Nullable final Bundle savedInstanceState)

       //Activity become the listener on events of deepLinks
       mDeepLinkActionUtils = new APMDeepLinkActionUtils(this);

    protected void onResume()

        //Listen events of deepLinks

    protected void onPause()

        //Unlisten events of deepLinks

    public void apmDeepLinkActionButtonGoClicked(String deepLinkUrl, String action, HashMap params)
        //Get the event DeepLinkActionButtonGoClicked


You can be notify when the user changed with the class APMServicesUserListener Set a listener with


Get the callback with the method apmServicesUserChanged

public void apmServicesUserChanged(APMUser user)
    Log.i("APMServices", "apmServicesUserChanged : "+user);

Communicate with a WebView

You can communicate with APM natively with your Webview. Here, methods that reachable via APMJavaScriptInterface :

  • APMPublic.sharedInstance(context).registerAction(activity, action1);

  • APMPublic.sharedInstance(context).triggerAction(activity, actionName);

Implement your own WebViewClient

public class MyWebViewClient extends WebViewClient
    protected FragmentActivity activity;

    public MyWebViewClient(FragmentActivity activity)
        this.activity = activity;

    public boolean shouldOverrideUrlLoading(WebView view, String url)
        boolean urlCatched = APMJavaScriptInterface.handleUrlSchemeAppsmiles(activity, view, url);
        if(urlCatched) //Url catched, so return true for webView don't load url
            return true;
        return super.shouldOverrideUrlLoading(view, url);

In your WebViewActivity.m, set MyWebViewClient in your webview

webView.setWebViewClient(new MyWebViewClient(this));

Don’t forget to enable javascript


Implement this JS method :

function execute(url) 
    var iframe = document.createElement("IFRAME");
    iframe.setAttribute("src", url);
    iframe = null;

registerAction(Android) == addActions(JS)

Call addActions appsmilessdk://addActions/+PARAMS in your webview to call registerActionin Android PARAMS is a JSONObject converted to String :

                "labels":["label 1", "label 2", "label 3"], 
                "props":["property 1", "property 2", "property 3"]

Example :

execute("appsmilessdk://addActions/{"classID":"product", "actions":[{"labels":["Clic sur un produit", "Clic sur un produit de la catégorie Google", "Clic sur le produit GOOGLE !"], "props":["click_product", "categoryID=1", "productID=1"]}]}");

triggerAction(Android) == triggerAction(JS)

Call triggerAction appsmilessdk://triggerAction/+ACTION_NAME in your webview to call triggerActionin Android ACTION_NAME is a String

Example :

execute("appsmilessdk://triggerAction/click_product"); //click_product == ACTION_NAME

Last updated