⚠️ Warning
Following the merger of Splio and D-AIM, the app's miles® Services have been deprecated and replaced by Splio Loyalty. This documentation is kept online for information only.
Welcome to the official app's miles® documentation.
Our documentation is separated into two spaces:
Developers 💻
Marketing 📈
For Developers
In the Developer section, you will find — for each technology currently supported — two guides:
⚡ Quickstart: get the SDK up and running on your app
🔌 Integration: plug our SDK into your features so we can start 🧭 guiding and 🏆 driving your users
In the Marketing section, you will find different guides and resources:
🧩 Design customization: find out everything that you can customize (remotely !) so that our SDK matches or complements your app's design
Last updated